11th International Forum on Pediatric Pain (IFPP)
October 12 – 15, 2017
White Point Beach Resort, Nova Scotia
Engaging for Impact: Partnerships in Pediatric Pain
Thank you to all who attended IFPP 2017! It was an amazing conference with engaging talks, impactful sessions and beautiful weather! For a full list of presented abstracts click here.
2017 IFPP 11th International Forum on Pediatric Pain
Speakers Lineup
André Picard is one of Canada’s top health and public policy observers and commentators. Currently the public health columnist at The Globe & Mail, he has been a staff writer for over 20 years. He is also the author of numerous books and has received much acclaim for his writing and his dedication to improving healthcare. In 2010, he was awarded a National Newspaper Award as Canada’s top newspaper columnist. |
Paula Forgeron is an Associate Professor at the School of Nursing and Vice Dean of Professional Affairs, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa. Prior to joining the faculty she had a diverse clinical career, has been a principal-investigator and co-investigator on national grants and co-investigator on international research grants. She has been an invited lecturer nationally and internationally. Dr. Forgeron’s work examines the friendships of adolescents with chronic pain with the aim of developing and testing interventions to maintain and improve social functioning of adolescents with pain. |
Mats Eriksson is a Professor in Nursing Science with Focus on Pediatric Nursing, and a Specialist Nurse in intensive care. He is the leader of the research environment FAMN – “The Child, the Family, the Caring system and the Society” at Örebro University, Sweden. He is also the leader of the international research group PEARL – “Pain in Early Life”. Dr. Eriksson is one of the principal investigators of the EU-supported EUROPAIN- project, studying pain management for critically ill newborns in 20 European countries. Dr. Eriksson collaborates with researchers in Canada, USA, Brazil, France, United Kingdom and many other countries and he is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of EFCNI – “European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants”. |
Fiona Campbell is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, and is active clinically in the Department of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine at the Hospital for Sick Children. She is medical editor on the International Online Pediatric Pain Curriculum, and has developed an opioid e-learning module. She is on the Pain Editorial Board of AboutKidsHealth, a SickKids website for children and families. Her research includes identifying factors influencing the transition from acute to chronic pain, and in the self-management of pediatric pain. She is Co-Director of the SickKids Pain Centre, and President- Elect of the Canadian Pain Society. She Co-chairs the Pediatric Chronic Pain Advisory Network in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Health, developing a provincial strategy for pediatric pain. Recently her expertise and leadership are helping address the Canadian opioid crisis. |
Laura Simons is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, and Pain Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California, USA. Dr. Simons is a clinical psychologist whose program of research focuses on pain-related fear. She demonstrated that heightened and generalized avoidance of harm in youth with pain is associated with maladaptive functional outcomes and altered affective and reward related brain circuit connectivity. Dr. Simons’ work embodies the biopsychosocial model spanning neural underpinnings of emotion and behavior, assessment scale development to guide treatment targets, and innovative treatment using graded exposure for youth with chronic pain. |
Serge Marchand is a Professor of Medicine at the Univ.de Sherbrooke, directing the pain research labs at the Research Center of the Sherbrooke University Hospital. He is the author of several articles and book chapters in the field of pain mechanisms and treatment and is the author of the book “The Phenomenon of Pain” and “Mental Health and Pain”. Dr. Marchand’s projects aim at better understanding the role of factors such as sex hormones, the autonomic, spinal and cortical activity related to pain perception in healthy subjects during their development, from infants to elderly and in different populations of patients suffering from chronic pain. His research is characterized by a close link between fundamental and clinical projects on the neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms implicated in the development and the persistency of chronic pain. |
Previous IFPP Conferences & Publications
The International Forum on Pediatric Pain began in 1996, organized by the faculty of the Centre for Pediatric Pain Research. They hoped to create a multidisciplinary, stimulating, and educational workshop with researchers from around the world. Since then, each Forum has brought together scientists and clinicians for plenary lectures, interactive workshops, and peer-reviewed poster sessions. Held at White Point Beach Resort, IFPP offers a quaint, relaxed atmosphere which allows for networking between colleagues and sharing of current research in all areas of pediatric pain.
10th International Forum on Pediatric Pain (2011)
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Personalized Approaches to Pediatric Pain Management (October 1-4th, 2015)
9th International Forum on Pediatric Pain (2013)
Current Trends in Acute and Procedural Pain Management in Children (October 3-6th, 2013)
Click here to download the IFPP Schedule 2013
Some of our presenters have made talk materials available online for 2013 delegates. Contact the author directly with any questions.
Fiona Campbell, MD: Peri/Postoperative Pain Management in Children (Slides & Handout)
Ran Goldman, MD: Pain in the Pediatric Emergency – Tips and Tricks from the Trenches (Slides)
Leora Kuttner, PhD: Interactive Hypnosis Workshop – Hands on the Magic Glove (Handout 1 & Handout 2) and video on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyApK8Z_SQQ
8th International Forum on Pediatric Pain (2011)
New Concepts in Complex and Recurrent Pain (October 13-16th, 2011)
Click here to download the 2011 brochure
7th International Forum on Pediatric Pain (2008)
Pain Measurement in Children
The proceedings of IFPP 2008 were summarized in a special issue of the journal, Pain Research and Management [McGrath, P.J., Latimer, M., Finley, G.A., & Chambers, C.T. (2009). Editorial: Measurement of pain in children. Pain Research & Management, 14, 11.].
Previously, our Centre published a series of books summarizing the proceedings of our meetings. You can learn more about these books, including how to order copies, by clicking here.