Blog: CPS News

May 28th, 2010

CPPR trainee updates from the Canadian Pain Society conference
May 12-15, 2010 Calgary, Alberta

Melanie Noel was presented with one of the 2010 CPS Trainee Research Awards. She presented a poster on her dissertation called, “Dissertation Proposal: An Experimental Investigation of the Role of Anxiety in Children’s Memories for Pain and Pain Processing” and another poster titled, “The role of psychosocial factors in prospectively predicting pain and pain-related functional disability among children and adolescents with recurrent pain.

Erin Moon’s poster, “The impact of parent and child sex differences on parent-child interactions during an experimental child pain task,” which was based on her dissertation research, received third prize in the clinical research category.
If you’d like to dowload the poster and hear a podcast of Erin’s presentation click here: (Updated: January 19, 2015: sorry link no longer available)


Erin presenting her poster at CPS