Chambers’ Team Alumni
Past Research Teams
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Trainees (in alphabetical order)
Post-doctoral Fellows
Line Caes was a post-doctoral fellow (2012-2014) whose research projects including a study examining family factors and parental behaviours towards pain in children with inflammatory bowel disease. She was also interested in how reward affects the experience of pain in adolescents and conducting a bibliometric analysis of the published pediatric pain literature. She is currently a Lecturer of Psychology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Division of Psychology at the University of Stirling, Scotland, UK.
Aimée Coulombe was a post-doctoral fellow (2010- 2011) whose main research interest was in the interaction betweeen sleep and pain. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Penny Corkum’s lab at Dalhousie University.
Sara King was a post-doctoral fellow (2007- 2010) whose main research interest was the role of social functioning in children with pain and chronic illnesses. She is currently an assistant professor at Mount Saint Vincent University.
Somayyeh Mohammadi was a post-doctoral fellow (2016-2018) who main research interest was in parents who have chronic pain and their families. She is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia.
PhD Students
Nancy Bandstra was a graduate student from 2005-2011. Her dissertation was titled, The behavioural expression of empathy to others’ pain versus others’ sadness in young children. She is currently the program director of the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital Intensive Feeding Program in Grand Rapids Michigan, where she also works as a pediatric psychologist.
Katie Birnie was a graduate student from 2009-2016. Her dissertation was titled, A multi-method dyadic investigation of child and parent pain catastrophizing and family functioning in child pain. She completed her clinical internship at the IWK Health Centre and is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Jennifer Stinson (SickKids) in the iOuch Lab.
Katelynn Boerner was a graduate student from 2010-2017. Her dissertation was titled, Sex and gender in pediatric pain: Pain responses and parental modeling. She completed a clinical internship in Clinical Psychology (Child Clinical Psychology Track) at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at BC Children’s Hospital and Research Institute.
Meghan McMurtry was a graduate student (co-supervised by Dr. Patrick McGrath) from 2005-2010. Her dissertation was titled, A multi-method examination of adult reassurance during children’s painful medical procedures. She is now an assistant professor at the University of Guelph and has her own research lab. Click here to visit the Pediatric Pain, Health, and Communication Lab.
Erin Moon was a graduate student in Clinical Psychology (co-supervised by Dr. Patrick McGrath) from 2007-2011. Her dissertation was titled,Parent and child behaviour during child pain: The effects of sex and gender. She is currently working in a full-time position at BC Children’s Hospital in the Teaching & Consultation Clinic.
Melanie Noel was a graduate student from 2007-2013. Her dissertation was titled, Children’s memory for pain: Experimental investigations of the role of anxiety in children’s pain memories and the influence of pain memories on subsequent pain experience. She was a clinical intern at Seattle Children’s Hospital and is now a post-doctoral fellow at Seattle Children’s Research Institute with Dr. Tonya Palermo.
Mark Petter was a graduate student in Clinical Psychology (co-supervised by Dr. Patrick McGrath) from 2011-2014. He was interested in the role of behavioural medicine in the prevention and management of chronic illness, mindfulness-based interventions for acute and chronic pain. His dissertation was titled, An experimental investigation into the effects of mindful attention and trait mindfulness on adolescent pain. He was a clinical intern with the London Clinical Psychology Residency Consortium (2013-14) and is now a full-time Psychologist at the London Health Science Centre.
Meghan Schinkel was a graduate student from 2012-2018. Her dissertation was titled, Role of siblings in pediatric pain.
Elizabeth (Job) Stanford was a graduate student in clinical psychology at UBC (2001-2007) under Dr. Chambers’ supervision. Elizabeth’s Master’s thesis examined the developmental factors and pain assessment in preschoolers. Her Doctoral dissertation examined the prevalence and psychosocial predictors of adolescent recurrent pain using a population-based approach. She is currently working as a clinical psychologist focusing on work with children and families in Vancouver.
Lindsay Uman was a graduate student in Clinical Psychology from 2003-2009. Her dissertation was titled, Psychological interventions for needle-related procedural pain and distress in children and adolescents: A systematic review and quality analysis. She is now working as a psychologist with the IWK Community Mental Health clinic in Dartmouth, NS.
Masters Students
Tessa (Craig) Dennis started out as an honours student (2004-2005) then continued as a Masters student (2006-2009). Her projects were on the expressive and receptive pain language in children with and without medical conditions. She is now working as a speech-language pathologist in Nova Scotia.
Elizabeth Job was a Master’s student from 2001 to 2003 in the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of British Columbia. Her project was titled, Learning to show “It hurts!”: The role of developmental factors in predicting young children’s use of self-report scales for pain.
Rebecca MacNevin started out as a honours student then continued as a Master’s student (2009-2011) in the School Psychology Program at Mount Saint Vincent University. Her Master’s project was on teacher perceptions of children with chronic and recurrent headache pain (co-supervised with postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Sara King).
Honours Students and/or 3rd-year Project Students
Dawood Almatar completed his honours thesis with us through the Department of Biology (2017-18).
Kate Abbott completed her honours thesis with us in Halifax (2004-05). Her project examined recruitment strategies for pediatric research participants. Kate completed her law degree at the University of Calgary and then begain working at McLennan Ross LLP in Calgary.
Abbey Burns completed her honours thesis with us through the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (2017-18).
Samantha Eisen completed her 3rd year directed studies and 4th year Honours project with us from 2010-2012. Her project examined the development of a self-report pain scale for young children.
Hannah Gennis completed her summer studentship (2013) at the IWK Health Centre and her honours thesis with us at Dalhousie in 2014. Her research topic was the development of empathy for pain and sadness in 3-5 year olds and children’s prosocial behaviour.
Crystal Holly completed her honours thesis with us at Dalhousie (2003-04). Her research topic was the prevalence and correlates of recurrent pain in Canadian children. She then worked as a full-time project coordinator with us (2004-05) and then continued her research interests while completing her graduate work in clinical psychology at McGill University. She is currently a Postdoctoral fellow in the faculty of medicine at McGill.
Christie Johnson completed a third year undergraduate project with us in Vancouver examining internalizing and externalizing behaviours among children with chronic pain (2002-03).
Anne-Claire Larochette completed her honours thesis with us at Dalhousie (2004-05). Her project examined pain and deception in children. She is currently a psychology graduate student at Queen’s University.
Mandi MacDonald completed her honours thesis at Dalhousie University (2007-08) with Sara King and Christine on the perceptions of healthy children towards peers with a chronic illness. She is currently completing her Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax.
Rebecca MacNevin was 4th year Honours student in Psychology at Dalhousie University (2008-09). Her project was on the effect of peer versus expert education on peer perceptions of children with a chronic illness (supervision led by postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Sara King).
Prathana Nathan completed her honours thesis with us through the Medical Sciences at Dalhousie University (2017-18).
Kelly Smith completed her honours thesis with us in Vancouver (2001-02). Her project examined the impact of parental recurrent headaches on children’s psychological and family functioning. She then worked as a full-time research assistant with us (2002-03). She completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at Queen’s University and her internship/fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Kelly is currently a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at UBC.
Summer Students & Summer Medical Students
Lynne Cann was a BSc Medicine student.
Darby Eakins started on the team in Vancouver as a summer student (2003) and then continued as a research assistant and summer student in Halifax (2004-06). She completed her MA in Disability Management at at the University of Northern British Columbia in 2014. She is the Manager of Health and Wellness in the Occupational Health and Safety department at Island Health on Vancouver Island and has two sons.
Emily Fraser was a medical student with us through the Research In Medicine (RIM) program at Dalhousie University and was supported by the Faculty of Medicine’s Patrick Madore Summer Research Studentship.
David Ritcey completed a summer research project in 2013 with postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Line Caes investigating the impact of monetary reward on undergraduate pain experiences during the cold pressor task. He is currently completing his degree at Dalhousie Medical School
Carolyn Icton completed a summer studentship with us in Vancouver examining sleep disturbances among children with chronic pain (2002). She is working as a family doctor in White Rock, BC. Carolyn and her husband Brian have a 3-year-old daughter, Paige, with baby #2 due in February 2012.
Stephanie Mackenzie started as a volunteer with us at UBC and then completed a directed studies project on family interactions in childhood pain (2002-03). She also worked as a part-time research assistant with us in the summer of 2003.
Kristin (Wilby) Greenlaw completed a summer research project investigating salivary cortisol as a marker of reactivity during the cold pressor task with us in 2009. She is currently completing her third year at Dalhousie Medical School.
Staff (in alphabetical order)
Britney Benoit was a full-time research coordinator with us from 2013-2014. She is currently in the PhD in Nursing program at Dalhousie under the supervision of Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo.
Jaimie Beveridge was a full time research administrative assistant with us from
Elietha Bocskei was a part-time research assistant with us in Vancouver (2002-03). She went on to become a Registered Dietitian from the University of British Columbia and currently, she is pursing a Masters in the Social Dimensions of Health Program at the University of Victoria.
Chantel Burkitt was a volunteer with us in Halifax (2007-08). Following that, she pursued her psychology honours degree at Saint Mary’s University.
Pete Chipman worked as a part-time research assistant with us in Halifax (2005) and continued to working on his PhD in Anatomy and Neurobiology at Dalhousie University.
Aimee Dort worked with us both full- and part-time as both a research administrative assistant and a research assistant from 2008-2014.
Alex Dumaresq was a part-time research assistant with us in Halifax (2005).
Jessica Ferguson was a part-time research assistant in Halifax (2003-05). She has since completed an MSc in Pharmacology and is then continued her graduate studies in the Pharmacy Program at Dalhousie University.
Meg Finley was a part-time research assistant in Halifax (2008-09).
Lewis Forward was a full-time research coordinator from from 2015-2016.
Stephanie Fung was a volunteer with us in Halifax (2008).
Adele Gouthro worked as a full-time research assistant with us in Halifax (2007-08; summer 2009; summer & fall 2011). She finished her Masters of Science in Audiology at Dalhousie University and is a Certified Audiologist working in Cape Breton, NS.
Joanne Hall was a part-time research nurse (2009).
Janine Hardial worked as a full-time research coordinator with us in Vancouver (2001-02). She completed a summer studentship examining pain management intervention in the Pediatric Emergency Department (2003) and worked as a part-time research assistant (2002-03). She is a family physician in Vancouver.
Chelsea Howie was a research coordinator from 2016-2018. She is currently in medical school.
Amos Hundert was a part-time research assistant with us from 2015-2016.
Bryanne Harris worked as a research assistant with us from 2010-2011 and then again in the summer of 2012.
Brenda Hewitt worked as a part-time research nurse (2006-2008). During this time, she completed a Master’s degree in Nursing. She is currently working in with the IWK’s Neonatal Care Team as a Clinical Nurse Specialist.
Valerie Imperial was a part-time research assistant with us in Vancouver (2001-02). She is currently a resident in family medicine at McGill University.
Surita Jassal worked as a part-time research assistant with us in Vancouver (2002-03).
Tracy Jones was a full-time research coordinator with us in Vancouver (2002-03).
Andrea Kampen was a part-time research assistant with us in 2016.
Lauren Macaulay joined the team in Vancouver as a research assistant (2002-2003). She rejoined us in Halifax as a Project Coordinator (2004-2006) and oversaw the design of our new lab space. Lauren has since completed an Environmental Design degree at Dalhousie (2007) and her Masters in Architecture at the University of British Columbia (2010). She is an Intern Architect at IBI/HB Architects in Vancouver, BC.
Mike Macaulay was a part-time research assistant with us in Halifax (2005). He completed his law degree at Dalhousie University (2007), following which Mike completed his articles and worked as an associate with Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP in Vancouver. Mike currently practices corporate and securities law with Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP in Vancouver.
Jessica MacIntyre was a full-time Research Coordinator with us from 2014-2015. She is currently enrolled in the Medicine program at Dalhousie University.
Kaitlyn McPhee was a casual Research Coordinator with us in 2017.
Matt Maguire worked as a part-time research assistant in Halifax (2005). Matt finished his double bachelors in Recreation Management at Dalhousie and is completing his Master’s in Leisure Studies (also from Dal) on a part-time basis. He works full time as a Student Life Programmer at Conestoga College (Doon and Guelph campuses).
Tara Martin worked as a part-time research assistant with us in Vancouver (2001-04). She is currently the Director of Administration at the UBC Department of Psychology, and is also the proud mom of Maggie and Will.
Jane McLeod was a part-time research assistant with us in Halifax (2005).
Jessica Metcalfe worked as a part-time research assistant with us in Vancouver (2002) before continuing to complete her graduate work in anthropology at the University of Western Ontario.
Laura Morgan was a part-time research assistant in Vancouver (2002-03). She is currently working as a Chartered Accountant.
Caitlin Murphy was a full-time research coordinator from 2017-18.
Matthew Murphy worked as a part-time research assistant with us in Halifax (2005). He will complete his Masters in Applied Health Services Research at Dalhousie University in Spring 2012 and will be working for Cardiovascular Health Nova Scotia as a District Coordinator for DHA 7.
Kelly Murray worked as a part-time research assistant in Halifax (2005). She completed her Masters in School Psychology at Mount Saint Vincent University and is working as a Psychologist (Candidate Register) for the Halifax Regional School Board.
Colleen O’Connor was a full-time Research Administrative Assistant with us from 2014-2015. She is currently enrolled in the Medicine program at Dalhousie University.
Sarah Peddle was a full-time project coordinator with us in Halifax (2004-05). She is currently a research project coordinator in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology at Dalhousie University.
Malena (Purdy) Matthews was a part-time research assistant in Halifax (2004-05). She completed her Bachelor of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University and is currently a teacher in the Halifax Regional School Board. She is also a proud mom of her 14-month-old son, Leighton.
Caitlin Ramsay was a part-time research assistant with us in Halifax (2005).
Kaitlin Robertson was a part-time research assistant in Halifax (2009). Kailin successfully completed her Masters of Science in Speech Language Pathology and is currently working as a certified Speech Language Pathologist in Nova Scotia.
Nicholas Robinson was our first research coordinator in Halifax (2003-04). He is currently working with the Public Health Agency in the Community Acquired Infections Division in Ottawa.
Laura Slauenwhite was a casual research assistant with our team (2010-11). She is currently working with Dr. Marie Claude-Gregoire at the IWK Health Centre.
Hayley Stinson was a research administrative assistant with our team from 2014-2016 when she moved to Toronto to complete her Masters in Social Work at the University of Toronto.
Jillian Taylor was a summer co-operative education student through Acadia University with us for 16 weeks in 2018. She received support from BioTalent Canada.
Vanessa Varalli was a full-time project coordinator on our team (2005-06). She is now a research coordinator at the Centre for Research in Family Health at the IWK Health Centre.
Katrin Veiel was a volunteer with us in Vancouver (2001-02). She is currently a Family Practice Resident in Kitchener-Waterloo.
Sandra Williams was our Research Coordinator from 2007-09 and then continued into the Social Work program at Dalhousie University.
Leah Wofsy worked with us both full- and part-time as a research administrative assistant and research assistant from 2011-2015.
Molly Williamson was a summer Research Assistant with us in 2010 before continuing to do her honours in psychology at Mount Allison.