Blog: Dalhousie welcomes Dr. Jeffrey Mogil

January 14th, 2015

Dalhousie University is happy to welcome Dr. Jeffrey Mogil, from McGill University, for two events in January. Please feel free to join him for the following events:

1. Pichionne Lecture Series: Research and The Future of Health Care – Why Can’t You Fix My Back Pain?

Public forum with Jeff Mogil, Jill Hayden, Katharine Harman, Todd Berry and Mary Lynch
Thurs Jan 29th 6:30 to 8:00 pm (reception to follow)
The Prince George Hotel


 2. Psychology and Neuroscience Department Colloqium by Dr. Jeff Mogil

Mice are People Too: Social Modulation of and by Pain in Mice and Undergraduates

Fri Jan 30th 3:30 pm
Life Sciences Building rm. 4263



