Blog: CAPHC Webinar
January 12th, 2015
Join Dr. Christine Chambers (Dalhousie University & the IWK Health Centre), Dr. Denise Harrison (The University of Ottawa & the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) and Dr. Bonnie Stevens (University of Toronto & The Hospital for Sick Children) for a webinar presented by the Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC):
Taking Stock: Usable Evidence for Procedural Pain in Children
Wednesday, January 14th
11 am to 12:30 pm (EDT)
Click here to find out more and to register:
Procedural pain continues to be a significant issue for children in the hospital (e.g. for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes) and in the community (e.g. immunization). Although research on the effectiveness of pharmacological, psychological and physiological strategies has flourished over the past 3 decades, much of the evidence generated from this research is either not effectively translated or usable to health care professionals at the front line who provide care to these children and their families.
The goals of this webinar are to (a) review the current state of evidence for preventing and/ or ameliorating procedural pain in hospitalized children or healthy children receiving painful procedures in the community; (b) describe efforts to effectively implement research evidence into practice using infant and toddler and school age and adolescent populations; and (c) strategize how evidence can be made more usable for health care professional and parental care providers
Update, added January 26th:
For those who missed the live webinar, it is now available for viewing online on CAPHC’s Knowledge Exchange Network: