Information for Parents Participating in the Survey

Research Title:                       It Doesn’t Have to Hurt: A Science-Media Partnership to Mobilize Evidence about Children’s Pain to Parents


  • Christine T. Chambers Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology. Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre. Co-Principal Investigator.
  • Erica Ehm. Creator/Publisher. Erica Ehm Communications, Ltd. ( Co-Principal Investigator.
  • Melanie Barwick. Scientific Director, Knowledge Translation, Child Health Evaluative Sciences. Hospital for Sick Children. Co-Investigator.
  • Jacqueline Bender. Health Researcher, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation. University Health Network. Co-Investigator.
  • Marsha Campbell-Yeo. Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Departments of Pediatrics, Psychology and Neuroscience. IWK Health Centre and Dalhousie University. Co-Investigator.
  • George Collier. Manager, REAL Knowledge Program. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation.
  • Ran Goldman. Professor and co-head of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology,  Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. University of British Columbia. Co-Investigator.
  • Jeffrey Mogil. Professor, Behavioural Neuroscience, Department of Psychology. Pain Genetics Lab. McGill University. Co-Investigator.
  • Kathryn O’Hara. Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communications. University of Ottawa. Co-Investigator.
  • Bonnie Stevens. Senior Scientist, Child Health Evaluative Sciences. Hospital for Sick Children. Co-Investigator.
  • Jennifer Stinson. Scientist, Child Health Evaluative Sciences. Hospital for Sick Children. Co-Investigator.
  • Anna Taddio. Professor, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Toronto. Co-Investigator.
  • Holly Witteman. Assistant Professor, Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine. Université Laval. Co-Investigator.

Funding:                                 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)


You are being invited to take part in the research study named above. The main researcher on this study is Dr. Christine Chambers, a Professor and Researcher at Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre. This form provides information about the study. It is important that you understand the purpose of the study, how it may affect you, the risks and benefits associated with the study and what you will be asked to do before you decide if you will participate. The purpose of this Information Form is to help you decide if it is in your best interest to take part in this study. You do not have to take part in this study. Taking part is entirely voluntary (up to you). Informed consent starts with the initial contact about the study and continues until the end of the study. You may decide not to take part or you may withdraw from the study at any time. If you have any questions that this form does not answer, a member of the IWK Health Centre research team will be happy to give you further information.

Why are the researchers doing the study?

The overall goal of this study is to increase parents’ (primarily mothers’) awareness and use of evidence-based information about children’s pain via a science-media partnership linking internationally recognized researchers with an established award-winning online media forum, the Yummy Mummy (YMC). We want to learn more about parents’ perspectives on children’s pain and whether these change after the “It Doesn’t Have to Hurt” campaign which was launched by the research team and YMC on September 21, 2015.

How will the researchers do the study? 

Participants will be individuals who have been invited to take part in an online research survey. The survey is being led by Dr. Christine Chambers, a Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology at Dalhousie University and conducted by YMC/Leger.

Your survey responses will be used to learn more about parents’ perspectives on children’s pain and whether these change after the “It Doesn’t Have to Hurt” campaign which was launched by the research team and YMC on September 21, 2015.

What will I be asked to do?

Through an online survey conducted by YMC/Leger, you will be asked questions about pain in children. You will also be asked a few demographic questions (e.g., age, education, etc.). We expect that the survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. You will also be asked whether you are willing to provide your contact information (name, phone number, and email address) so that the research team can contact you for further research.

Potential harms and burdens: There are no expected harms for taking part in this study. Although taking part may not benefit you or your child directly, the results may benefit other families by helping researchers to understand more about the impact of the “It Doesn’t Have to Hurt” campaign.

What alternatives to participation do I have?

Before deciding to enrol in this study, you should know that you do not have to take part.

Can I withdraw from the study?

Taking part in this study is entirely voluntary (your choice). The results are completely anonymous and so you cannot withdraw once your survey is submitted. You can, however, decide to end the survey at any point (your partially completed survey data may be still be used).

Costs and reimbursements: There are no costs associated with participating. At the end of survey you may choose to enter to win a prize as indicated on the survey website. Winners will be randomly chosen and contacted directly by YMC/Leger. Please note your contact information will not be linked to your anonymous survey responses.

Are there any conflicts of interest?


What about possible profit from commercialization of the study results?


How will by privacy be protected? What are my research rights?

The survey has been designed so that your responses are completely anonymous. All electronic study records will be kept by YMC/Leger. Researchers at the IWK Health Centre’s will only receive anonymized data (with your name removed) which will be kept secure servers in Halifax, NS, Canada for a minimum of 5 years following publication. Only research staff and the IWK Health Centre’s Research Ethics Board will be able to access study information.

Your completion of the survey will serve as your consent to participate. In no way does this waive your legal rights nor release the investigators, sponsors, or involved institutions from their legal and professional responsibilities. If you have any questions at any time during or after the study about the research in general you may contact the IWK Health Centre’s Research Office at (902) 470-8765, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm AST.

 How will I be informed of study results? If you wish to receive a summary of the results, they will be posted on our website once the study is completed (expected Spring 2017).

What if I have questions or problems? Comments, questions, or concerns can be directed to Dr. Christine Chambers at