Blog: CIHR Cafe Scientifique presents....We are family

October 25th, 2013

Join us for…We are family: The importance of parents, peers, and partners in pain relief.

This event will be a great opportunity for the general public to increase their knowledge and resources through presentations from Nationally-funded health researchers from Dal profiling acute and chronic pain management across the lifespan; newborns, children, young adults, and couples. As well, an interesting patient perspective will be presented. Come away with new tools to help better understand and manage pain experiences that touch your life.

5 speakers + 1 moderator + audience participation = an informative event!

Dr. Mary Lynch, Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo, Dr. Natalie Rosen, Dr. Christine Chambers, Monica Brown and Dr. Jason McDougall (Moderator)

Join us at Just Us! Café

5986 Spring Garden Road

Nov. 4, 6:30-8:30pm

More info:

CIHR web:
