Jill Chorney, PhD, RPsych |
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Dr. Jill MacLaren Chorney is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Dalhousie University and a Clinical Psychologist and Advance Practice Leader with the Mental Health and Addictions Program at the IWK. Dr. Chorney’s current work is in the areas of shared decision-making, patient-provider interactions, and implementation science. Her work in interdisciplinary in nature and she routinely collaborates with clinicians, patients and families, and health systems administrators. Her work has an emphasis on research that is directly informed by, and contributes to, clinical practice and health system decision-making. Dr. Chorney’s current work is informed by her previous roles as an Associate Professor of Anesthesia and a Clinical Psychologist with the Complex Pain Team. She remains active in the fields of perioperative care and pain research. Dr. Chorney has published over 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts and received research funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, United States National Institutes of Health, Nova Scotia Research Foundation/Research Nova Scotia, Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the IWK Health Centre. Dr. Chorney is the current lead for the BALANCE program (Building ALiances for Autism Needs in Clinical Encounters), an intervention designed to improve the healthcare experiences of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, their families, and their healthcare providers. For more information on BALANCE, click here.
To view Dr. Chorney’s Department of Psychiatry profile. click here. |
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